1. Cara menampilkan semua user
select * from all_users;
2. Menampilkan semua table
select * from tab;
3. Menampilkan list procedure dari user PRESENSI
select * from all_procedures where owner='PRESENSI'
4. Menampilkan list function dari user PRESENSI
select * from all_objects where owner='PRESENSI' and object_type='FUNCTION'
It is possible to connect to the database without specifying a password. Once you've done that you can then reset the passwords.
I'm assuming that you've installed the database on your machine; if not you'll first need to connect to the machine the database is running on.
1. Ensure your user account is a member of the dba group. How you do this depends on what OS you are running.
2. Enter sqlplus / as sysdba in a Command Prompt/shell/Terminal window as appropriate. This should log you in to the database as SYS.
3. Once you're logged in, you can then enter
alter user SYS identified by "newpassword";
to reset the SYS password, and similarly for SYSTEM.
5. mengubah port untuk akses database oracle local
SQL> begin
2 dbms_xdb.sethttpport('8181');
3 end;
4 /
6. Untuk mengakses halaman admin database oracle di browser
7. jika lupa password pada user system
conn system / as sysdba
alter user system identified by "password_baru";
8. Jika user system sudah di lock
conn system / as sysdba
alter user system account unlock;
9. connect C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\bin>sqlplus / as sysdba
10. connect to oracle jika tidak bisa menggunakan sqlplus /logon
dapat menggunakan sqlplus.exe
11. Jika eksekusi procedure to date dengan format 'dd/mm/yyyy' maka perlu dilakukan
Tetapi solusi diatas hanya berlaku sementara setelah disc maka akan kembali seperti semula
Untuk solusi yang laina menggunakan
type varchar2 pada store procedurenya...
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